What are the Best Places to Use LED Light Bulbs?

Over the last generation or so, there has been a steady influx of new technology in lighting. Scientists and engineers have tried to create a safer, more efficient ways to light our homes and businesses.

Compact fluorescents were a step in the right direction, but as more manufacturers jumped into the market, some of the cheaper models became fire risks. People became wary.

Enter the LED bulb. This marvel of technology emits zero heat and the fire risk is very low. Because of the low energy usage, these little LEDs last many years and they are efficient. As demand has increased, new styles, types, and even colors have hit the market, and today we can find nearly any type of bulb, including dimmable ones. We can opt for daylight, natural, white, or colored bulbs. With the flick of a switch or the twist of a dial, an accent light can fade from green to red to blue to yellow.

So, what ARE the best places to use LED bulbs? For most families, the change is gradual. One can save several dollars each month on the utility bill just by installing led lighting in the most used areas of the home. Begin by putting LEDs in the kitchen, and possibly installing them under the counter. The little LED rope lighting is so inexpensive to operate that it can be left on full time, as can accent lighting, such as in glass front cabinets or a decorative pantry area. Because these lights don’t produce heat, they are as safe as a night light to leave on. Since they use very little energy, you can afford to have the main traffic areas well-lit in the home, making for a safer traverse for everyone; especially the little ones and elderly family members.

Install them in areas where the lights are difficult to reach. High foyers, ceiling fans, recessed lighting in vaulted ceilings, and high fixtures through the home will all be good candidates. Although you still have to climb to install them, these bulbs will outlast a standard incandescent by many times over. You won’t be replacing them as often.

Using LED bulbs in lamps is a great idea. Many home fires are started by lamps tipped over by children or animals. It doesn’t take long for an incandescent bulb touching furniture or a wall to start to smolder. Using these bulbs in lamps is a safe option, especially where active children and pets may play.

For more safety and savings, install LED security lighting outside the home in areas where extra lighting is wanted or needed. Today’s security lights are every bit as bright as the flood lights which sucked energy in grand fashion. You can afford to have them anywhere you are concerned about someone lurking or gaining entry to your home. Putting them on a motion detector will keep them off until needed, offering efficiency and an added element of surprise.

If you would like to have LEDs installed for you, call Smith Electric. One of our helpful electricians will help you make your home more safe and efficient.

For help with your questions or concerns about LED lighting, call us! Smith Electric & Associates is located in Mobile, Alabama. We are licensed to operate in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Georgia and have been proudly serving the Gulf Coast since 1992. Call us for 24-hour emergency service at 251-471-4723! Visit us online at www.SmithElec.com and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!